Saturday, April 26, 2014

Head Start and Starting To Look Ahead

Wow! I'm terrible at blogging. I remember when I used to blog about my life every day, even when I had nothing worthwhile to say.

Well, I'm officially 2 weeks into my final placement (woot!). I'm at a Head Start in a small little town about 35 minutes away from Des Moines. (Yes, the drive sucks.) I have two classes: a morning one from 8:30-12 and then an afternoon class from 12:30-4. It's kind of crazy, but I guess it's sort of fun. It's ridiculous hearing the things that come out of some 3 and 4 year olds.

I wish I could say I'm loving this placement as much as my previous two, but that's just not the case. It's not that there's anything wrong with the place, teacher, or students. I just am not "clicking" as well with this placement. I think a lot of that is probably my senioritis kicking in. We are 3 weeks from graduation, I've already been student teaching for longer than required, and did I mention the drive every morning?

Plus, I GOT A JOB FOR NEXT YEAR! So that's sort of made me lose some motivation (which I know is a terrible thing). But yes, I'm officially under contract for 2014-2015. I'm going back to Holy Family! I was there for my first placement - loved it, loved the kids, loved my mentor, loved the staff. So when my mentor teacher emailed me to tell me they were hiring a 2nd ELL teacher for next year, I jumped at the chance. I had my interview last week and it went great! I got the offer 20 minutes later and accepted it the next day.

It's crazy to think how close I am to being done. 3 weeks to graduation, 9 weeks to getting married, and 2 months until my teaching contract starts. It's like my while life is starting this summer! I'm pumped!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Things You Learn In Kindergarten

1. No college class can EVER prepare you for the moment one of your kindergarten students comes into school and says "Guess what? My daddy's in jail!" - Yes, they teach us that for some students, the teacher is the only one who shows them love, that school is supposed to be a safe haven for kids who have an unsafe home life.  They tell you things like this might happen.  But when it actually DOES happen, you'll have NO CLUE what to say to them.

2. Fake it until you make it is actually wonderful advice. - I've NEVER been known for being a confident person.  I'm always way too hard on myself and tell myself I can't do it.  A couple nights ago, I had what I like to call a "graduating senior crisis" and was questioning whether I was good enough to be a teacher, whether I should be a teacher, if it's too hard, etc.  But the next day at my final evaluation, my teacher said my biggest STRENGTH was my confidence.  I'm still not sure how to respond to that.

3. Applying for teaching jobs is probably the most stressful thing you'll ever do. - Hiring season doesn't start until after Spring Break for most places, yet as soon as March rolls around everyone (including your university supervisor) starts asking if you've found a job yet.  No, no I haven't.  I haven't even had an interview.  Not only that, hiring season goes all the way UNTIL SCHOOL STARTS (and even after).  I'm already panicking.

4. Having to cut back to working 10 hours a week is not going to pay the bills. - Unless you have a super high paying job, in which case HELP A SISTER OUT!  But really, you WILL struggle.  It WILL be hard.  But (hopefully) something good will come out of it.

5. Getting out of bed in the morning when you're sick and depressed is one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do. - But you really have to do it.  On time.  Otherwise, your mentor teacher WILL say something about punctuality in front of your university supervisor (yikes!).

6. Having to give the same directions 300 times is frustrating. - Why didn't you listen the first time?  Oh, you didn't care enough to stop talking to your friend?  Kbye.  (Sorry Mom! And every teacher who had me from grades K-12)

7. There are literally not enough hours in the day to plan your lessons. - Sure, I can plan out an entire days worth of lessons including materials, standards, differentiation, and extension in the 40 minutes that my kids are gone for music, but only if you take 20 of those minutes for a meeting.  Why not?  Jokes.  You bring that stuff home with you.  But if you plan on eating or sleeping, it won't get done there either.  Some times (or most of the time) you'll really have no idea what you're doing.  This goes back to the "Fake it until you make it" philosophy.

8. Fridays are a gift from the heavens. - I. Love. Fridays.  After school is out, there's 2 whole days without screaming children (unless you're a parent).  Also, many schools have a "casual Friday" type of thing.  I'm currently typing this in jeans and my most comfortable Drake sweatshirt.  Get at me.

9. Kids will do anything to try to get out of being in trouble. - You know, I'm really glad you apologized.  But you still have to miss part of recess.

10. Speaking of recess, it will be below freezing, but you'll still go outside. - Bonus points for living in Iowa!  It'll probably be slightly warmer that morning, so you'll bring a lighter coat.  Then, SURPRISE!  Outside recess. And you're freezing.

But in reality, teaching is one of the most rewarding experiences you'll ever have.  It's HARD.  It's EXHAUSTING.  But it's WORTH IT.